Certified Arborist & Tree Care Specialist

Tree Stump Removal

Remove unsafe and unsightly tree stumps.

Tree Stump Removal Services

A tree stump left after tree removal can be a real eye sore. In addition to being ugly, a tree stump can be a safety hazard for tripping, can attract destructive insects such as carpenter ants and termites and also grow harmful fungi as it breaks down and decays. Don’t deal with it. Let Out On A Limb remove it either by stump grinding or plucking it and the roots out all together.

Stump Grinding

Grinding a tree stump is the most basic way to remove it (and in many cases the best option). If done correctly, stump grinding will cause no damage to you or your property. That is why we always suggest having a certified arborist and tree care specialist perform any stump grinding removal. Using specialty tree stump grinding machinery, a certified specialist grinds away the tree stump left after a tree has been removed. The tree stump is ground down below the growing surface up to 10-12 inches so new soil can be used to cover the remaining roots and new grass or other vegetation can be planted. The results are as if the tree stump was never there.

Whole Stump & Root Removal

When a tree stump is too big to grind or if the tree has been uprooted and cannot be ground, removing the stump is done with an excavator. While some other tree companies may only have one option of excavator (usually too big to get into small spaces) for removing stumps, Out On A Limb has several different options to remove the largest of tree stumps in wide open areas to ones that can get into tight quarters for tree stump removal. Removing a tree stump as opposed to grinding it also allows for the removal of the root system that branches out from the main stem or trunk of the root. Removing the entire root ball allows for the area surrounding the stump area to be back filled, seeded or replanted with another tree.

Don’t risk hurting yourself or damaging your property. Hire an ISA board certified arborist to ensure your tree stump removal is done properly and safely. If you live in Millbrook, Rhinebeck, Hopewell Junction, Poughkeepsie, Stormville or Fishkill, let Out On A Limb come out, assess your property and recommend the proper tree stump removal to rid you property of that ugly and unsafe tree stump.