Certified Arborist & Tree Care Specialist

Tree Pruning & Trimming

Keep your trees safe, healthy and looking great.

Tree Pruning & Trimming Services

Tree pruning and tree trimming are often used interchangeably when talking to a certified arborist and tree care specialist. Out On A Limb doesn’t just trim a tree for the sake of cutting. Instead, a tree is pruned for safety, health and longevity. Pruning dead or diseased wood from a tree makes the tree safer and at the same time helps a tree grow healthy and strong.

Healthy Tree Pruning

Pruning a tree for health is also considered maintenance pruning. It not only makes a tree healthier it also makes it more beautiful and aesthetically pleasing. As an ISA certified arborist and working exclusively in the Hudson Valley, Out On A Limb are experts in knowing how to prune the indigenous trees of Dutchess County and the surrounding areas. Our tree care experts know exactly how to improve the shape of a tree so it’s more pleasing to the eye while thinning it out to encourage healthy growth.

Safety Tree Pruning

Pruning a tree for safety removes damaged or diseased branches and helps reduce the risk of failure or breakage from natural occurrences such as wind, snow and ice all very common here in New York’s Hudson Valley. In addition, safety pruning can remove dangerous, overhanging branches that pose a threat and interfere with your house, outdoor living areas or other buildings and structures. Let Out On A Limb come out, assess your property and recommend the proper pruning and tree care to keep your home and property looking great and safe all at the same time.

Why Prune?

  • Remove dead, diseased, insect infected or storm damaged limbs and branches that pose a hazard to your home or property.

  • Trim or remove branches that interfere with your home’s gutters, roof, chimney, windows, utility wires, or that obstruct the street or sidewalks.

  • Thin the crown for better air circulation and light penetration to permit new growth while lessening wind resistance and potential for storm damage.

  • Train young trees to maintain a healthy shape as they grow.

  • Improve the shape or silhouette of the tree for visual aesthetics.

  • Shape a tree to enhance site views.

Why Not Prune Your Trees Yourself or Ask your Neighbor with the Chainsaw?

  • First and foremost, tree work is very dangerous and should only be done by a professionally trained, tree care specialist.

  • Tree work requires lots of professional equipment to ensure the crew, your property and your trees are cared for properly and safe during the pruning.

  • Pruning is not just trimming or cutting branches, there is science and art behind it. Excessive pruning will kill a tree and not pruning enough will retard your tree not allowing it to flourish.

  • Last but not least, tree work is very dangerous and should only be done by a professionally trained, tree care specialist. (seriously, we cannot stress this point about safety enough)

Don’t risk hurting yourself, your trees or your property. Hire an ISA board certified arborist to ensure your tree pruning is done properly so your property looks beautiful for years to come.